Just about anybody can catch athlete’s foot. It is not as the name suggests limited to those with an athletic disposition. It is a common persistent fungal infection of the foot. It usually starts between the cleft of the fourth and fifth toes, but can easily spread between the other toes and to other parts of the foot and nails.
The fungus thrives best in warm, moist enclosed conditions. The foot when in a shoe can be all of these and beyond that the pockets or clefts between the toes are even more enclosed. It is for this reason that such importance is given to the drying of the feet especially between the toes, as this area provides an ideal breeding ground for the microscopic spores that cause athlete’s foot.
Athlete’s foot is highly contagious and can be easily picked up from wet floors, used towels, socks and shoes, (walking barefoot in changing rooms should be avoided). The fungus is very resilient and can lie dormant in shoes for weeks after the visible external symptoms have subsided.
The most common fungus or dermatophyte that causes athlete’s foot is Trichophytum Rubrum, which is also common in nail infections.
Athlete’s foot infections may disappear of their own accord, however they can also persist for years. They are difficult to treat and may recur. Best results are normally obtained with early treatment before the fungus becomes established.
Think you may have Athlete's Foot? Call
0131 603 3588